Tuning in
Stop and listen.
In a World where it’s increasingly difficult to switch off and filter out the noise of a digital age, one of the ways to reconnect with nature is to take the time to just stop, listen and tune in to the wonderful audio world around us.
Over the last few years, I’ve spent increasing amounts of my time trying to capture recordings of the amazing soundscapes of nature, and developing educational videos to help people identify common birds species you can hear in your gardens and nearby green spaces.
One of the key tools for capturing recordings of nature is a makeshift device I developed called the ‘Plantpot Parabolic’ - a simple contraption that helps amplify and concentrate sounds, enabling people to get some amazing recordings using budget-level gear. Check out my page on this contraption below, and explore some of the other links to be inspired to get out and tune in to nature.
Click to download a PDF of this wonderful how-to guide by artist Sarah Dowling
The Plantpot Parabolic
Make your own DIY ‘parabolic reflector’ to tune in to the sounds of nature around you in a way you may never have done so before.
Learning Birdsong ID - video series
Ever wondered what’s singing away in your garden? Blurting out those beautiful notes that you just can’t place a name to? You’re not alone. Learning birdsong takes time, patience and perseverance. You’re learning a whole new language! I’ve created some videos to help you get to grips with some common garden bird species, so head over to my YouTube series below.
In need of some nature sounds and birdsong in your day? Head over to some short soundscape videos below, from the dawn chorus on my doorstep to the sandy shores of the Outer Hebrides…
The sounds of Pen Llŷn
Walk through the seasons of the Llyn Peninsula in North Wales and listen to the diverse sounds of its magical wildlife, landscapes and seas. A StoryMap developed with ArcGIS for the Eco Museum LIVE project.
Learning Birdsong Online workshop
A short online workshop I gave to the North Wales biological records centre ‘Cofnod’ during lockdown in 2020, encouraging people to get out and try identifying the songs and calls of birds around them. Head over to watch the recording.
A still November's morning (video)
Take a deep breath, sit back and immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of a tranquil autumn's morning on Mynydd Rhiw - my coastal home on the Llyn Peninsula in North Wales